Family Academy Private School & Family Academy Membership Organization specializing in:

  •   Family Directed Education Training
  •   Parent Qualifying Course
  •   Teacher Certification Program
  •   Family Membership Program


About Us:

Family Academy Private School is a licensed and approved for the State of Washington.

Family Academy® is a licensed and approved private school in the State of Washington that has been serving homeschool families since 1981. We are a non-denominational, faith-based organization dedicated to helping families train their children in faith, character, and academic excellence.  Family Academy® believes in supporting Family Directed Education through a unique blend of private school and home school. We are one of the largest private school extension programs for homeschoolers in the state, and have gone national with our concept, “school without walls.”

Today, we offer homeschool students the opportunity for in-class sessions at our various learning centers across America. We have 5-day school settings, (5-day school is limited to 60 students annually) with some learning centers on our Hybrid Program. The Hybrid Program is two or three days in class time and the rest is online with a Teacher Consultant.

Family Academy® does not specifically dictate which curriculum must be used for math, English, history, science. The parents collaborate with the teacher. The teacher is responsible for evaluating a child’s progress. The school can issue a diploma and transcripts for the child.

The extension program can also offer anonymity since no names are given to the state or the school district. The school only needs to report the number of students and student body demographics (grade, gender, race.).

Family Academy Private School offers accreditation through our affiliate schools such as Stride Christian Academy utilizing IALDS. Both serve accreditation for High School courses.

Family Academy Membership Organization supports Family Directed Education Training; Parent Qualifying Course; Teacher Certification Program and Family Membership Program.

Family Academy Membership Organization seeks to fit education to the child and equip parents to implement it. We believe that parents (and Guardians) are in a God-appointed role. Through our Able To Teach course and by partnering with a Family Academy Private School Teacher-Consultant (TC) we help the family choose what will be studied—according to the student’s need and interests, and the parent’s desires and abilities.


Our Vision:

We at Family Academy –

  • Inspire students to thrive
  • Encourage parents to educate
  • Equip teachers to serve
  • Impact future generations


Our Mission:

… is to put parents in the “driver’s seat” of their children’s education, and support growth into God-given purposes.


Our Philosophy: 

Family Academy Private School & Membership Program begins with the Biblical worldview showing that

  • Each child is unique and of equal precious value before God,
  • Learning takes place best within the context of meaningful relationships, and
  • Parents should exercise the primary teaching influence during the K-12 years.

Our role is to reinforce the family’s values and goals, to help develop faith and character, and strengthen the family unit. The private school is set up to take the strengths of the student and expand while working on the weaknesses to give a well-rounded learning success.

Guiding principles: a student learns from his/her parent and achieves.  The parent encourages the student and collaborates with the Teacher Consultant.  The Teacher Consultant supports the parent and assesses the student’s work.