FA School Online
Family Academy’s new Online High School. Visit our Catalogue.
As little as $25.00 per month per course plus teacher fees. Everything is online, some books may need to be purchased for the individual classes.
- Essay Writing Bootcamp – 1 semester
- Biographies and Writing
- American Adventures and Writing (dual credit English/History)
- Literary Analysis
- Mythology
- Aleks.com online ($135.00 per year)
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Applied Environmental Science *
- Applied Geology *
- Applied Veterinary Science *
- Applied Zoology *
- Biology Lab
- Botany Lab *
- Earth Science Lab (9th)
- Forensic Science
- Kitchen Chemistry (11th)
- *New courses 24-25
- Washington State History (1 semester)
- World Geography (1 semester)
- Freedom Civics (1 semester)
- U.S. History (1 year)
- Native History
- Ancestral History
- World History (1 year) (lots of choices)
Careers and Technology:
- Careers Class (1 semester) *
- Keyboarding (1 semester) *
- Computer Software Systems
- Microsoft Certification for Excel, Word, Access, Publisher
- Cyber Crime Technology
- QuickBooks certification for 12th grade
- * Required for technology competency
- Photography
- Image Editing
- Drawing 1, 2
- Architecture
- PE 1, 2, 3 – Step counting; Presidential Fitness Award and Testing
- Health with the help of Alison.com
- Family Health class * Meets research competency requirements
World Languages:
- Spanish 1, 2, 3
- Spanish Grammar 1, 2, 3 (College Prep)
- Spanish Literature and Composition (College Prep)
- Conversational Spanish – 1, 2
- German 1, 2 (NCAA approved)
- French 1, 2
- Japanese 1, 2
- Arabic 1, 2
- Russian 1, 2
- Ukrainian
- East and West Armenian
- Tourism 101 – 16 4-week classes for 7th and 8th graders
- Emergency Preparedness (earn 1.5 each semester” Science/Elective/English”)
- Home Ec
- First Aid and CPR classes are a requirement of Washington State law – RCW 28A.230.179 states that CPR is required in the high school classrooms.
- Culinary Arts
- Biblical Worldview
- Life Practicum
- Entrepreneurship / Marketing
- Drivers Education Credits
Film School 4 Teens:
We offer the following opportunities for high school credit when enrolled with one of our Teacher Consultants. These classes are with Damon Evans, a renowned Hollywood Film Maker. Some are,independent learning online and others are zoom based like the second-year film-making course where students make commercials.
- Acting for the Screen
- Photography 4 Teens
- YouTube 4 Teens
- Intro to Filmmaking
- Advanced Filmmaking
- Life Skills course
You can continue homeschooling your students, add a class or two that you don’t wish to try and teach, and we can do the rest! Enrollment includes Transcripts, teacher conferences, weekly support, homeroom class and much more.
To enroll, contact us at school@familyacademy.org
Veterans Diploma Program
We have an exclusive program to give Veterans their diploma if they left high school to serve our great country. Please inquire at school@familyacademy.org