The following is an overview of some additional services we offer to homeschooling families. Certain services are eligible for discounts with the purchase of Family Academy® Membership. If you are interested in more information, please fill out our contact form, referring to the service(s) in which you are interested.
Testing & Assessment Services:
Brain Training Assessment & follow-ups: Homeschool assessment plus an individual Neurodevelopmental plan.
Educational Balance: This includes full assessments, Learning Style Analysis, and curricula planning for the school year.
Non-test Assessments: Offered by several of our Teacher Consultants. A good option for the student who struggles with standardized testing.
Testing Validation: For parents needing the supervision of a teacher in order to give the PASS, IOWA or CAT tests at home.
Help with Math:
Aleks Math: A k-12 online math program with instructor oversight.
Key Math R: Assessment of 13 pre-high school areas of math knowledge.
Help with Reading & Language Arts:
MySciLearn: A Learning Accelerator/Reading Booster for all ages. Phonics for k-2 also provided.
Help for Learning Challenges:
Brain Training: Assistance with individualized Neurodevelopmental plan with two 30-minute online sessions a week with a Brain Trainer.
Hear Builder: This program helps the student better develop their auditory processes.
Overcoming Learning Challenges: A course that offers parents insight on how to help their student who struggles with learning challenges. To learn more about Overcoming Learning Challenges, click here.
NEW!! Preschool:
Support for families with preschoolers available through one of our Teacher Consultants, along with access to monthly curriculum activities provided by The Moments at Home. Contact Us for further information.
NEW!! The Arts:
In partnership with Film School 4 Teens, we offer the following opportunities for high school credit when enrolled with one of our Teacher Consultants. Please Contact Us for further information.
Acting for the Screen: In this 12 part course, we will teach the basic building block that makes a great screen performance. Acting 4 the Screen equals 1 semester elective credit (60 hours)
Photography 4 Teens: Learn the basics of photography in a 12 part course featuring lessons, demonstrations, workshops and assignments.
YouTube 4 Teens: This course gives students the training to start, grow and launch a YouTube channel. A 12 week course for tweens, teens or adults! (60 Hours or 1/2 elective credit). 1 semester (60 hours)
Intro to Filmmaking: Learn the art of filmmaking start to finish in this 18 section course course (complete a section every two weeks or in one week if you are working fast). Good for 1 high school elective credit for one year – (120 hours)
Advanced Filmmaking: Live zoom mentoring class with Filmmaker Damon Evans. Meets once a week with 5 other young filmmakers creating a community element of being in a group with peers creating their own films. This course is very inspiring and holds everyone accountable as they create their own short film in a semester.
Homeschool Administration Services:
Report Cards for K-8
Sports Grade Reports: Weekly grade report for sports requirement at local schools or dual enrollment programs.
High School Transcript Evaluation: Guidance for the parent and student to see what is needed for graduation.
High School Transcript Preparation
Other Services:
Able to Teach: A comprehensive homeschooling course for new or veteran homeschoolers. Certificate of completion earned through Multnomah University. To read more about Able to Teach, click here.
Books and Curriculum: Please visit our online store here.
Family Membership: For more info, click here.
Homeschooling Basics: Offered in partnership with Multnomah Plus, Homeschooling Basics, is an online mini-course for those new to homeschooling and seeking to know more. Click here for more information.