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Able to Teach Online Course for 2 Parents


Original price was: $300.00.Current price is: $135.00.

Able to Teach Course

(2 parent enrollment; pricing includes member discount)

Our Able to Teach Online course trains homeschooling parents with a variety of teaching techniques and approaches. It also qualifies parents in Washington State to home-school independently. The course covers 20 hours over a 4 week period.  A course work text is included.

(Registration fee is non-refundable but extra time to complete the course may be granted by the instructor by special arrangement.)


Product description

    • Thinking about homeschooling but unsure about how to begin?
    • Already homeschooling but want to improve on your teaching methods?
    • Feeling home-school weary and need some fresh ideas?

Through our Able to Teach course for home-schooling parents we provide a variety teaching techniques and approaches. This course will also qualify the parent(s) to home-school in WA state. Parents or guardians will learn how to individualize home instruction through educational theory melded with many practical applications. The end of each session provides additional spiritual development ideas as well.

  • Open enrollment year-around
  • Self-paced (over 4-week window once you have received your course work text in the mail)
  • Phone appointment with on-line instructor at course completion