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Doing History – Student – High School (Level G-H)


Discounted: Older Edition Curriculum

Doing History:  A Strategic Guide to Document-Based Questions, High School Level G-H, is an innovative program that gives students an opportunity to do what historians do — to analyze primary- and secondary-source documents and then synthesize their results in written form.  The program makes history come alive for students by presenting them with interesting fragments from the past — letters, illustrations, eyewitness accounts, political cartoons, advertisements, posters, and the like.  But more than that, it teaches the essential strategies that students need in order to make sense of such documents.  The program presents constellations of documents related to specific issues and events along with scaffolding questions and strategies for analysis to build understanding of those documents.  Then, it teaches students how to use their answers to the scaffolding questions to build extended pieces of writing.

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Product description

Product Details:

Authors:  Louise Vitellaro, Charles C. Tidd
Format:  Paperback
Language:  English
ISBN:  1-58171-470-x
Copyright:  2002
Publisher:  Great Source Education Group
Length:  128 Pages
Weight:  9.8 oz.
Dimensions: 10.75” x 8.5″ x .5″